It was ten.ten.ten today on a gorgeous fall Sunday, which felt more like a summer day. Turns out it was too hot for floral tights but I wore them anyway, while a lady in church literally leaned over and felt my knee and asked if I had floral tattoos on my legs.
Ten days of October goodness have already flown by yet there is so much more to look forward to!
We’ve started the month off with a gorgeous bride and groom (Jill and Austin), an amazing time spent with three of my best friends who camped out in my shoebox of an apartment, flew to Canada to visit dad and grama Oda, boyfriend and I celebrated at Barcelona on the patio for Arthur’s new job, and we enjoyed some massive Italian hot dogs with bad greasy fries at the Italian festival with some Big Band music.
So here’s what we have to look forward to…carving pumpkins with my bumpkins, of course, Hallow Weekend at Cedar Point with Arthur and sister plus husband, a visit from mama, and I’m always thrilled for fall hats and scarves.
I love you, October.
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