Literally six hours after Arttie and I returned to Columbus back from New York, I took him back to the Airport where he flew down to Miami, FL. away from Murray and Me.
That may sound a little more dramatic than it really was, although Murray and I felt Columbus just wasn't the same with out him. So we decided to make the most out of that week together as I took over my duty to take care of Murray.
The 2nd day, I walked into Art's apartment to find old Murr sleeping in front of the door with his nose in his big shoes. Murray started feeling a little blue, so I thought I'd take him to the dog park for a little pick me up. It wasn't long before we both made some friends with the young golden doodle and...the other little guy.
I was quick to pick up on Murray's early morning ritual at 4 a.m. of walking to the kitchen to make his morning squat, and am proud to say it wasn't long before we both killed that little habit of his.
A couple of days before it was time for Art to come back, I took Murray to the dog bath and made him all clean and fluffy for his master's return.
Unfortunately, Art had to catch a taxi from the airport while I was working, but he picked me up afterward with a little surprise. Without knowing that I had been dreaming of eating pizza after a famished day at work, Art got us a pizza and wine for dinner with some sweet daisies.
Sometimes, I just don't know how fortunate I am to have such a thoughtful man who shares the same appetite as me.